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Vegetarian, Sweet stuff, British Vicki Vegetarian, Sweet stuff, British Vicki

Apple and blackberry crumble

Legend has it that when St. Michael the archangel kicked Lucifer out of heaven, he landed on a blackberry bush and, ahem, weed all over it. This piece of folklore states therefore that blackberries should not be eaten past Michaelmas (29th September) for this very reason, but I see it as all a better excuse to embrace blackberry season while it’s still here…

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Cauliflower cheese with buttery breadcrumbs

We’re continuing the brassica theme today with a hearty cauliflower cheese. Cauliflowers are grown year round here in the UK, with May being the end of the winter season, and even though the weather is slowly warming up there are still a few lingering chilly days where something more warming and substantial is required at dinner time.

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